
Knowledge Oasis, KOM 4, Al-Khoud , Muscat
Address:Knowledge Oasis, KOM 4, Al-Khoud , Muscat

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Vision, Mission & Values

Speech of the Chairman

Vision, Mission & Values

The voice of the manufacturing industry, we create value for our members by building strong sustainable partnerships with government and other stakeholders.

Developing a strong and sustainable manufacturing sector in Oman.

1. Advocate for Progress: We champion legislative changes that empower Omani manufacturers to thrive in a globally competitive landscape.

2. Cultivate a Culture of Excellence: We foster collaboration by sharing success stories and lessons learned, inspiring continuous improvement within the industry.

3. Showcase Omani Brilliance: We become the global stage for Omani manufacturing excellence, actively promoting member achievements at international events.


Create focus groups to review and propose changes to legislation.

Organizing events and promotions.

Represent members at industry-related events and studies.

Providing a knowledge center through our communication channels about investment opportunities in Oman.

Expanding the Sultanate of Oman's market for the products of the manufacturing sectors worldwide.

Join OMFA Today!

Don’t just benefit, be the force behind it. Join the Oman Manufacturers Association, the undisputed voice of Omani manufacturing.

Your membership fuels our collective power to:

1. Drive legislative changes that benefit the entire industry.
2. Shape a thriving future for Omani manufacturing on a global stage.
3. Amplify your voice and influence policy decisions.
OMFA thrives on a strong, united front. Be part of Oman’s manufacturing success story. Join today.

"Be a voice in the process, not just the results"